Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Spring of Chinese Symphony 中国交响乐之春

We attended the first opening concert of 'The Spring of Chinese Symphony', at concert hall of National Centre for the Performing Arts.
在国家大剧院, 聆听中国交响乐之春的首场演出.

Announcements on the website (http://www.chncpa.org/)

Outside the huge opera.

Inside the opera there's several exhibition halls with colorful contents. Of special interest, several posters were dedicated to the construction process of the opera, started on 2001. Below is the first one, "Unforgettable scenes"
"不能忘却的瞬间" 展板, 记录了大剧院自2001年的艰苦建造过程

A modern sculpture on one side of the corridor to the concert.
长廊里的一尊雕塑, 但是没记下艺术家的姓名. 以后这里是否也能出现"约翰.施特劳斯"一样的标志性雕塑?

Cameras were not allowed to take into the concert hall, so I can only took pics using my poor cell phone (I didn't took pics during the performance).
I arrived early on my seat and following is my view angle. Poor isn't it? But I had face to face with the orchestra conductor and had a exciting view of his performance.
从我坐的位置看去就是这个样子. 那晚演出观众非常多, 只有1/5的座位空着. 在这里唯一的好处就是能看到指挥的全部神情和手势.




“我们的曲谱也都是正版的” 这是我唯一记得的指挥的一句话

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Find files and delete

The first time I used "find" to delete all old and obsolete temporary files:

# find /xxx/tmp/ -ctime +14 -exec /bin/rm '{}' \;

$ find . -name '*.zip' -exec unzip {} \;

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Revisit to phoenix range 再登凤凰岭

Some new pagodas sighted in Phoenix Range, in addition to our last year's visit. Sadly, they are almost relics or remains. Wonder how they stood thousand years' erosion, both by human and nature.

在凤凰岭中又见到两个佛塔, 一个在上方寺的遗迹中, 另一个在小山头上. 它们基本上都有严重的损毁, 但似乎公园并没有将其修缮的打算, 它们甚至没有被标注在公园地图上. 它们都为古代僧人所建, 经历几乎千年的风吹日晒雨淋人毁, 见证了尘世变迁. 在不久的将来, 它们将各自化为一堆堆的碎石瓦砾, 重归造化怀抱...

When I was taking above photo, I discovered this fern living in the shade of stone I stood on. Don't know its name.
下面这个蕨类植物照片是拍上面那个塔时发现的, 应该比较常见, 卵形叶, 叶背尚无孢子囊. 附着在岩石的背阴面, 环境干燥.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Mountaineering 登鹫峰

(Apr 6, 2008) 只爬到了海拔~600米的小山头, 后面的高山没有上去 (>1100m), 下次吧...

Well, we got a photographer...
瞧, 我们有专业摄影人员...
... and he took pictures during picnic time...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

EasyGO got new announcements on April fool's day

Dear user, I kindly announced a few changes and improvements to EasyGO, made on Apr 1st, 2008.... (no kidding, really~)