Monday, December 28, 2009







Friday, December 25, 2009





Sunday, December 13, 2009

Heavy fog

This region's climate interests me. At this moment of the year it is changing drastically. We have been having heavy fog for days. Above photo was taken a few days before. Perhaps that was not fog, that was cloud -- nearly touching the ground.

Seen in my apartment two days later.

Saturday, December 5, 2009




Friday, December 4, 2009





问了老兵,他说college station几乎没下多少雪,看来这里是冷锋面啊。跟他说这儿下大雪了,他问 那你们是放假了么?又不是刮飓风... 不过最好不要让我碰上啊

We had a heavy snow day in Houston, which lasts till now and will hardly stop. And the temperature drops to 1C (feels like -4C) See how the street looked like under the cover of heavy fog and snow:

As a comparison, this is from the same view angle a few weeks before.

My new powerful Dell T7400 doesn't cooperate well with Ubuntu very well -- when using the terminal, the keyboard sometimes is not responding. Here's the solution from WEB:

1. sudo apt-get install scim-bridge-client-qt

2. Edit the file /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/scim by typing in a terminal (Applications>Accessories>Terminal):

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/scim

Change the line:


into :


Change the line:


into :


I also installed driver for graphic card, then I can activate Ubuntu's *coolest ever* visual effects:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

New starting...


照片是%#@&%地方,猜吧... 休斯敦的天气不错,云彩变换无常,而且距地面高度很低。这张照的模糊了,隔着有色玻璃照的,而且模式选错了,对焦失败,但觉得这云彩不是什么时候都能碰得上的(或者碰巧有机会掏出相机来照)凑合看吧。


Hi all, I will continue to update my blog and document my thought (hopefully)...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Westerners and Beijing migrant schools






Like any other big and modern cities, Beijing has a lot of gray figures behind its prosperity: they are construction workers, janitors, service persons, ... Majority of them come from rural areas all over the country and they do labor-intensive jobs to make a modest living, and make the city runs happily. Perhaps unlike other cities on the same level, Beijing has migrant schools, where a classroom is provided for children of those workers at day time. The schools are operating on a condition that's similar as I used to be studying 20 years ago -- impoverished, and so are the children staying there. Perhaps one block away children from the ordinary family could already have their own laptops and mobile phones -- a contrast that's astonishing. I'm not sure but perhaps the fees prevent those children from attending an elementary school -- it could be astronomical for migrant workers.

Citizens are usually too busy to pay any attention to these schools. Now some westerners are bringing toys to those children and concerning on their existence. I want to say THANK YOU to these nice people. I also think that the persons who build and operate these schools are real great, too.

Thursday, October 22, 2009



我说:我已经知道了 真不容易 有10个月了 跟生孩子似的

想想我1月初将要离开北京的时候他正在打稿,聊天的时候我答应帮他看。几经波折,终成正果。这通常意味着可以博士毕业了... 我跟他第一句话是:我这个职位要空出来了你赶紧拿了学位过来吧... lidaof痛苦道:老板不放我走啊


Got the news that one of my friend has just got a paper accepted. This took him 10 months and finally he is eligible for Ph.D. degree with the publication... Thinking about what I have done in the same period, I felt really bad for a moment because I did nothing...

But I will keep up working. All my friends are watching and I won't disappoint them.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuzki for “兔斯基” for "TUZKI"


TUZKI is the name of little rabbit created by Momo Wang, which enjoys astonishing popularity in Chinese Internet community. The author is an artist and works as a professional illustrator in Hong Kong. I'm so impressed by her ability to express herself freely via painting...

Monday, October 12, 2009

我们的好总理 Our Premier


Here I try to make a description in English....

This is from, publishing a hand-written letter from our Premier Wen Jiabao to Xinhua News Agency. In his letter he pointed out a minor mistake in one of his article discussing his personal view of teachers' role in education. The mistake is so minor (and technical) that only geologists will recognize it. I admire his action of openly admitting his personal mistake as Premier, as this should set good example for all the Chinese officials!

Monday, August 31, 2009

New photo album: August 31, 2008

This is our fantastic hiking in Hawk Peak, Beijing. See the original post here.

Now one year later, the photos were published in my Picasa Web Album. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

lollipop of mediocrity (end)

I'm quitting my current job for a postdoc position in Baylor College of Medicine. Above picture was taken from the Hilton hotel where I stayed for interview, overlooking Houston downtown. The city was so busy in rush hour when I arrived there, but now it looks just peaceful.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Lollipop of mediocrity 2

In horticulture building for International Student Lunch. Lining up to fetch food which was prepared by students from various countries.

Dining at an American restaurant.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Lollipop of mediocrity 1

Welcome to the Horticulture Building.

Fragmented, hand-made whole scale view. This is what you see when you look outside from the broad & luxury window of graduate student's office in Horticulture building, 5th floor.

Also luxury is the hall. So many useless items that give people illusion of how restful the life seems to be.

In one corner of the hall there's one thing that firmly caught my eyes: a section of a trunk, which used to be a great tree. Probably a pine? I can't tell. I can stare at its growth rings for long time and trying to read what it used to witness, as if reading the great tree's memory.
(Update: the name of the tree is redwood)

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Beware the lollipop of mediocrity, lick it once and you'll suck forever.

I was shocked by this sentence. I've decided to see how far can I go.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Never a dragon

You westerners please see this picture:

which comes from

which is: the symbol of Chinese culture is never a nasty dragon, but the Loong! We are working to correct the mistake!!

librdf Python API summary

I reviewed my code written using the Redland librdf Python API, and made a brief summary as a memoir. For more advanced and powerful parsing, I'm turning to some Java libraries, such as Jena, owlapi, Pellet, ...

Update: but I have been working with python-librdf for all the time and got my Java stuff put away...

** RDF.Model object

import RDF

model = RDF.Model(RDF.MemoryStorage())
Model using in-memory storage

model = RDF.Model(RDF.HashStorage(bdb_location,options="hash-type='bdb'"))
Model using Berkeley DB storage

p = RDF.Parser('raptor')

file_uri = RDF.Uri('file:/path/to/rdf_file')
Create a URI indicating a local file

Parse a rdf file into model. Return boolean to indicate whether this operation is successful or not. (can parse multiple files into one model)

Returns number of statements in model, only applies for models with in-memory storage. Won't work for Berkeley DB storage.

** RDF.Node object type

The node.type attribute is an integer indicating type of the node:
1: Resource node, can get RDF.Uri object by node.uri
2: literal node, the value of which can be extracted as node.literal_value['string']
4: blank node, which usually appears in owl as object of rdfs:subClassOf as a restriction on properties.

Better to use node.is_literal(), node.is_resource(), node.is_blank() to make judgment on node types, to avoid confusion.

** Simple query methods (bound to RDF.Model object)

All simple query methods supported by RDF.Model object can accept RDF.Node object. These methods also returns RDF.Node objects.

(model indicates RDF.Model object)

result = model.get_target(a,b)

result = model.get_predicate(a,b)
result = model.get_source(a,b)
Returns a RDF.Node object, or None upon failure

results = model.get_targets(a,b)
results = model.get_predicates(a,b)
results = model.get_sources(a,b)
Always return a RDF.Iterator object, containing the sequence of RDF.Node objects.

for result in results:

Check for end:
results.end() # return 0 or 1 on whether it is exhausted.

Membership test:
my_node in results # return boolean

** Not simple query methods

Create a RDF.Query object:
query = RDF.Query(query_string,query_language='xxx')

Query languages are rdql or sparql, default rdql

Sparql query with new string format syntax:
query = RDF.Query('SELECT ?s WHERE {{ ?s <{0}> <{1}> }}'.format(...),query_language='sparql')

results = query.execute(model)
results is a RDF.QueryResults object, also an iterator

Check for end:
for this_re in results:
print this_re['s']

** Blank node

Blank node is specially noted here because it is frequently used in collection-type domain/range declaration, and property restriction for class. All happen in OWL.

Blank node does not have uri attribute, and cannot be converted to RDF.Uri object. It can be easily used in RDF.Model object-bound queries, as they readily accepts node object as arguments.

To use it in ``not-simple'' query, Sparql query syntax (but not rdql) has to be used:

# node is a blank node
node_str = '_:'+node.blank_identifier
q = RDF.Query('SELECT ?predicate ?object WHERE {{ {0} ?predicate ?object }}'.format(node_str),query_language='sparql')
results = q.execute(model)

Problem: when working with Uniprot OWL, such a query would retrieve all the blank nodes. For example, a sparql query of blank node with predicate owl:unionOf will retrieve 26 blank nodes as objects, but a get_targets() query will retrieve only 1 blank node correctly. Will check if this is a bug or not.

Nodes with collection parseType are frequently used, eg. in domain/range specification.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Generic genome browser on Ubuntu

I'm preparing some stuff for the workshop, so I'm getting back to gbrowse again.

** Installation steps:

gbrowse version: 1.69
Ubuntu version: 9.04)
perl version: 5.10.0
bioperl version: don't know how to figure that out...

$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2-doc
$ sudo apt-get install apache2-doc

Verify that this directory exists: /usr/lib/cgi-bin, if not, create.

$ sudo apt-get install libgd2-noxpm-dev
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-client

Use cpan to install all prerequisite Perl modules as listed in INSTALL.

Started to install gbrowse from source code:

$ perl Makefile.PL

Complained that Bio::Graphics module is old. So upgrade it using cpan. (not successful until graphviz software is installed)

$ cpan
cpan> upgrade Bio::Graphics

$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ sudo make install

Finished. Really a bit surprised to see so many fancy features in this version of gbrowse. The last time I was working with gbrowse is 2006.

** It stuffed some scripts into my system directory. For example those are found in /usr/local/bin:
bp_search2alnblocks bp_search2tribe bp_seq_length
bp_search2BSML bp_search_overview bp_seqconvert bp_seqret
bp_search2table bp_seqfeature_load
... and much more!!

Gbrowse configuration files are located in ``/etc/apache2/gbrowse.conf/''

** use to initialize the mysql database.

** GFF3 format file nuisance:

The gff3 file for E.coli I downloaded from NCBI was rejected by gbrowse!
The scaffold declaration entry (first row of gff contents) is different with the example gff3 file that comes along with gbrowse program. The TYPE (3rd column) has to be ``chromosome'', and there has to be ID,NAME contents in 9th column.

Monday, June 8, 2009





不过还是很羡慕人家的那种满足感,咱什么时候也能那么呢?咱好像从来没那么过...以前听李宁老师说过(不是卖衣服的那个,是克隆牛的那个),人生是艰难的,即便是片刻的满足感也是奢侈的!当时哈哈傻笑来着,现在则是多么的同意他的灼见啊!曾经有过片刻的可供膨胀的空间,却被我当空气般视而不见,哎... 忍了~就让寂寞的空气包裹着我,拖着两条腿继续孤独的前行吧...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bird nest (2)

I saw this on Friday: someone has put a little blue flag near the nest!

And I saw the mother bird is still covering her eggs -- and ran away when I approached. I felt sure I can see the eggs hatching.


Update on 20090630:

The eggs are gone. The story ends here, on this waste land.

Friday, June 5, 2009

X11 display reconfiguration for Ubuntu on Dell T300

I just upgraded Ubuntu on our Dell T300 machine to 9.04. Fancy... but we got a surprisingly slow response in gnome-terminal.

I googled, and found out that Ubuntu 9.04 is not working very well with the Intel video chipset of the machine, as discussed here.

The solution is quite simple (though the instructions kept me trying for a while). Sudo to root, edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf, add following line to Device section:

Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"

Then logout, and re-login, solved!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bird nest

I spotted a bird nest today, right beside a trail on my daily jogging route!

From the second photo, you can see it's on open ground and very close to the trail, where runners and bikers pass by, and sometimes even cars (luckily very few). I'm really worried that this nest would be easily destroyed, either by people, or by squirrels! I placed some larger rocks around the nest, hope it will do some protection, or at least let others notice it!

When I was there, the nest owner was around me all the time, singing angrily. I really don't know which kind of bird it is.

So interesting...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Today's news

A few days ago Zhou Du let me know that my blog could not be accessed in China - I did not feel very uncomfortable about that. I started using Blogger in 2007 and I was quite used to its occasional unavailability.

What really suprised me today, is that Zhou Du told me he could not read my blog via Google Reader (subscription attempt will get error message).

When I'm wondering if Google is having a technical problem (and feeling a little bit upset), Zhou Du swiftly opened his new blog in Sina (

I really don't know what to do, and I will just wait and see what happens. I don't want to open a new blog elsewhere, I mean, I love, I always read interesting blog stuff there, and even advised my dad to use it... I think I will continue to make posts on Blogger. I'm sure people in China will be able to view it sometime in future, just like everyone else in the world.


By the way, here's one insteresting blog I just found

Beijing Notebook - Random observations noted in Beijing
(By a friendly lady who is enjoying her life in capital city of China)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009



上周日晚上去休斯敦机场接老兵同学,飞机从芝加哥过来,因为这边雷雨所以晚点半小时,11点半到的。我因为没在美国出过远门,出发前花时间准备了一番:查了从college station到机场的详细路线(还画了个草图),拿上老兵的GPS,把车检查了一下。尽管怀疑车的油泵有问题,但凑合着开了。晚上10点出发,出发前很搞笑,先是Joshua打电话过来,跟我讲他现在有空,如果我没把握不敢去了,他就去接老兵;我刚把车开出小区,老高又打电话来,问我出发了没,要不要让他一起跟着去,我跟他们说不用担心,我能行。看来让我去接人搞的大家比我还紧张,呵呵。路程110英里,绝大部分是高速,跟宣化到北京的路程差不多。

我没什么夜间行驶的经验,发现夜间行车又紧张又枯燥,在远离城镇没有灯火的地方,除了前面那100米的路面,四周就是一片乌黑!幸好路程不长,路况也好。进城以后上了beltway,算是环城线吧,有5车道,我在最右道60mph的速度走,在左边其它的车就快速的超过去。这beltway是收费的,而且收费站就会设在路中央,跟国内一样,呵呵。交费时可以走coin only通道,那里无人执勤,需要自己把六个quarter向扔石子一样抛到一个喇叭型圆筒里,咣铛一声之后挡在车前的栏杆就打开了,挺搞笑的。

到机场后走arrival这个路线,没有去停车场。这个时间要算准,我已经到passenger pick up的位置了,赶快给老兵打电话,但他还在取行李;这里车流繁忙,交通引导员在不停的把车往外赶:-) 我就只得绕这那个航站楼又走了一圈,再回来的时候才把人接上了。

回来的时候出了些差错,先是忘开近光灯了,以至于一个开卡车的人跟我并行了一小会儿,还探出车窗指着我的车头向我示意,我跟老兵居然过了一会才反应过来怎么回事,糗阿~ 然后是被GPS带错路了,多绕了半小时,最后索性不理GPS了,回头开到我认识的路上才算找对方向。




Saturday, May 16, 2009

LCD brightness issue on ubuntu & X61

My Lenovo X61 (running Ubuntu 8.10) got the problem of not to adjust LCD brightness. This really annoyed me! I thought that this could be inconsistency with the sophisticated hardware... Luckily, someone hacked the problem!

Briefly, modify two files under: /etc/acpi/

Append line ``echo 4 > /proc/acpi/ibm/cmos'' before exit for file ``'',

and similarly line ``echo 5 > /proc/acpi/ibm/cmos'' for file ``''

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ubuntu install from USB stick and what

Well, I just made a successful install of Ubuntu from USB stick, not a live CD.

This turns out to be very simple: you just download a Ubuntu install CD image onto a Ubuntu machine, insert a working USB stick (make sure there's no important data), and use the ``USB startup Disk Creator'' to do the thing. It is crucial for the version of system you're running and the CD image to be the same (version 9.04 was tested to be working).

After this, plug the stick onto a PC which can boot from USB device and install the system. I got a Dell studio computer and the installation worked fine.


I went to the library this afternoon, where I saw a kind of ceremony for the graduating cadets (the students going to be officers in military). I joined with their families to watch them.


Texas A&M有四千军校生,所以校园里经常能看到最后一张照片里打扮的学生。我在research park跑步的时候还遇见过全副武装的学员背着制式步枪在拉练,有点像在媒体上见到的驻扎在海外的美军士兵。这个学校还有个Memorial student center,那里的草坪是禁止踩踏的(在美国很少见),草坪上的一块小石碑告诉了你原因:这里是专门用来纪念从这个学校毕业的、为美利坚合众国捐躯的军校生。

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Frog thinks

Congratulations to adug, who just have his first first-author paper accepted by a scientific journal. Congratulations to Xiaoxin, who has just made important discovery in his studies. My friends are all doing well. Congratulations to you all! Though I'm right now like ``frog in the well'', I'm really inspired by that. Stop complaining! Hit the gas, change the gear, and journey into the new world ->

很棒的消息!师弟adug刚刚有他的第一篇文章被接收了,“手中有paper,心中不慌了”,:D 恭喜!另外我的好朋友Xiaoxin也在他的实验中得到了重要结果,希望科学史上能留下你的一笔!恭喜你们!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Great clouds

I love watching clouds -- that is, literally anything in the sky.

Here in College Station we have a climate that always changes drastically, and a sky usually full with turbulent clouds. Just now towards noon this day, I stood outside the building to enjoy the air, and saw those majestic clouds there. I instantly took a few pics, but the effect was poor -- partly due to mist air this day, a lot of moisture. After a while, the battery was drained, and I had to get back.

Sunday, May 10, 2009



照片老早就照了,是在borlaug center旁边的一个什么楼,忘记名字了。楼前有一座老模老样的雕像,挺有派头的老牛仔,仔细一看,腰上怎么还挎个鸟巢?里面还蹲着个小家伙??哈,原来有个斑鸠在很合适的位置筑巢育雏了,真有意思

发现college station的斑鸠真是多啊,一个个胖乎乎的,也不是很怕人。哪天专门讨论一下。

The picture: a dove made a nest in a fine position in a statue, in front of a building near my office. I took the picture when I'm running one afternoon (in May 1st?)

Happy Mother's Day, my dear mother!

Sunday, April 26, 2009





My friend Gangman will go back home soon, to reunite with his wife and family. I gave him as present the chopsticks I brought here, and glad that he was really happy about it. Some time ago I gave the other one to Haiyan, as wedding gift. So this is basically the same.

The photo shows that I hung a pair of little seashells in my car, which is a gift from my good friend back in China. Every time it swings, it seems like my friend is waving to me. God knows when we can see each other again.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Driving test passed!

I passed the driving test this morning. Hooray!

The computer system in Department of Public Safety office is down today so I did not get my temporary permit instantly, and thus I keep the record paper with me and will bring it back later. Here shows it!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

First ticket in US

As usual, I was riding on a bike leisurely from apartment to office this morning. When I was about to get off and walk the remaining distance, I noticed a police officer in black uniform was riding after me and blowing his horn at me. I was wondering what happened when he said "Stop!"

Oh my god... I suddenly realized what has happened, before the officer gently told me why I was stopped for... I didn't stop at the stop sign.

Thus I got a WARNING ticket, it is my first ticket in US, and I will keep it.





Monday, April 6, 2009

My jogging route

I took my camera with me when jogging yesterday afternoon. It was Sunday and there's quite big wind blowing from north-west. Not a dust in the air, the sky was crystal blue. Very cool temperature too.

Basically, the pictures shows my daily jogging route.

An old tree seen on the playground, quite near to my apartment.

Near the George Bush Library.

Still near the Bush Library. You can see on the grass field a piece of land was intentionally left untouched for the wild flowers to bloom.

The George Bush Library. My friend Clay told me that before the library was built, here used to be a farm where livestocks were kept.

The small pond in the research park.

Near Bush Library, on the route back.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

When serious industry gets absurd




Or, when a bunch of absurd people control it..

Anyway, I like to be absurd. Occasionally, that is.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Random photos (2)

The street lights besides Callaway building.

Two young Aggies were busy putting up a board on the green grass field. I walked there and asked what's that for. They explained a lot but I could not understand much -_-|| Seemed that was a campaign for student president election.

A red VW Beetle on the empty car park besides Reed Arena. It was spring break and a peaceful, bright afternoon.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Python-C software installation

I've been trying to install xMAN software, named for "extreme mapping of oligonucleotides". This software is a new kind to me: C-extended Python. And its installation tends to be different.

First install prerequisite:

sudo yum install swig.x86_64
sudo yum install python-numarray.x86_64

The package comes along with a, run as suggested:

sudo python install

Got error:

error: Python.h: No such file or directory

Looked through Google, saw that python-dev needs to be installled:

sudo yum install python-devel.x86_64

Then the installation worked just fine!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Make friend with SAMBA

I'm doing a system admin's business, where I'm totally a dummy.

Following is trials I use to make friend with Samba (or hoax it to work for me...)

Start/stop service:
# /etc/init.d/smb start
# /etc/init.d/smb stop

Configuration file: /etc/samba/smb.conf
workgroup = MYGROUP
netbios name = HOBBIT
security = SHARE
comment = Data
path = xxxx
force user = xx
force group = xx
read only = No
guest ok = Yes

To properly use it, set seLinux to log warnings instead of blocking. I did this via GUI. And here's a method to modify its config file:

The net location thus can be viewed on my laptop via:

The location can be viewed on windows machine via:

To map it as a network drive for windows application, use following command in CMD:

net use X: \\location\dir

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Compiling R on CentOS

What's the problem with the CentOS I'm working with... seems so many necessary components are missing from regular Linux distro I have been working with>_<

During configuration, following errors tell that F77 compiler is missing, and I installed following:
# yum install compat-gcc-34-g77.x86_64

And re-config, again error complains that readline utility is missing.
After yum search readline, I chose to install this:

yum install readline.x86_64

but did not work. then I installed this:

yum install readline-devel.x86_64

and it worked!

Go on to install bioconductor:

> source("")
> biocLite()

Everything OK.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A walk around Texas A&M

These photos are taken on March 2, 2009, around southern campus, where I usually jog in the afternoon.

The clouds in that afternoon attracted me so I hastened to go back home and fetch the camera. When I got out however, the beautiful patterns of the clouds were basically wiped out by wind... anyway, I still took some pics while jogging.

And here shows a few.

This is the research park. Dozens of ducks are enjoying life there in the pond.

A plane was about to land in the nearby small airport.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mount NTFS device on CentOS

This morning, I inserted an external hard drive to my dear server, and got an angry message: Unsupported file system type (ntfs)!

I consulted contents on this centos wiki page:

and followed all the instructions, including install rpmforge repository, yum update, install those weird stuff (fuse fuse-ntfs-3g dkms dkms-fuse), and tried but failed again:

# mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt/test/ -t ntfs-3g
FATAL: Module fuse not found.
ntfs-3g-mount: fuse device is missing, try 'modprobe fuse' as root

Two hours later when I was almost despair, I searched on google again, and got a top-hit link:

I immediately went to to search the RPM package, with the kernel name of the machine. and I got it.

# rpm -ivh kernel-module-ntfs-2.6.18-92.1.10.el5-2.1.27-0.rr.10.11.x86_64.rpm
# /sbin/modprobe ntfs

This just works!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

One more day in Mississippi State University

Feb 21, 2009, we had half a day of meeting, then we hurried off to get back to Texas.

Here are photos we took in the noon, after lunch.

In front of the beautiful modern building (as told by the organization committee when we tried to find our way there).

That's all of us. The camera was placed on a Sedan, in a car park besides Hunter Henry Center, the conference center.

It should be the school apartment. Just half an hour later after we left the conference building and we haven't left the campus, the clouds formed quickly and it looked very beautiful to me. But the exposer time of the photo is too long so the effect is not satisfactory.

It rained that afternoon.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Blind date in Mississippi!

We are having a blind date game during the first night of MCBIOS meeting!

I did not participated in it, but observed it, quite interesting! But till now I still cannot figure out its rule :-??


游戏名字叫blind date。我到现在都搞不清规则是什么,只见让大家都排排坐在长条桌子的两边,一对一的开始谈话,过一小会儿主持人就让其中一排的人挪个位置,然后新产生的pair就又开始热烈的交谈...太吵了我都听不清在谈什么,反正大家都兴高采烈的,呵呵

(Continued on Feb 22, 2009)

Then I did participated in the game! It is really interesting, you got to meet and chat with everyone in your opposite seat. After 15 minutes of intense talk (everyone was talking so loud and fast that I had to shout so that my companion could hear me), and I was almost very tired, but excited.

Besides, I won a little present in the game, may luck accompanies with me, and us!