Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mourn the lives lost in earthquake

May 19, 2008. Chinese people all over the country and world wide mourned the lives lost in earthquake.

Following are screenshots of major Chinese websites at the moment. All were in black-and-white.

We Chinese people are one family!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Earthquake strike in Sichuan, China

Strong earthquake struck Sichuan Province, China on May 12th, ~14:00. What can I do to help??

Photo from Xinhua News Agency.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Be a blogger...

I hasten to add a few words to my Blog when I discovered something, so as to be a blogger...

In the coding morning, I ran into one strange problem which kept me scratch hair for an hour...

file = 'tmp.ode'
fout = open(file,'w')
... (write goodies) ...
subprocess.Popen(['xppaut %s -silent > out 2>err' % file], shell=True).wait()

Obviously I forgot to close the output file object. For me, this has the peculiar effect of disturbing the following system call: the xppaut interpreter simply refused to read the ODE file, which I have found to be readily there on the directory, and contents are all correct.