Monday, November 19, 2007

Turning to Python

I finally decided to turn to Python, although I've been Perl-lish for 3 years...

However, on my old FC4, Tkinter could not be used...
>>> import Tkinter
ImportError: No module named Tkinter :-(

I went to Python community for help, but they said Tkinter is "built-in" facility. My Python is 2.4.1, is this an antiquate??
I checked my PC and confirmed that tcl/tk is installed and functional, I even looked the whole file system and found that there's no such file ""

A friend of one of my friend told me Tkinter is a wrapper for tcl/tk, and tkinter package needs to be installed for use (which has name as "python-tk" on debian/Ubuntu).

I resorted to and downloaded "tkinter-2.4.1-2.i386.rpm" and installed. Then import Tkinter works!

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