Sunday, February 22, 2009

One more day in Mississippi State University

Feb 21, 2009, we had half a day of meeting, then we hurried off to get back to Texas.

Here are photos we took in the noon, after lunch.

In front of the beautiful modern building (as told by the organization committee when we tried to find our way there).

That's all of us. The camera was placed on a Sedan, in a car park besides Hunter Henry Center, the conference center.

It should be the school apartment. Just half an hour later after we left the conference building and we haven't left the campus, the clouds formed quickly and it looked very beautiful to me. But the exposer time of the photo is too long so the effect is not satisfactory.

It rained that afternoon.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Blind date in Mississippi!

We are having a blind date game during the first night of MCBIOS meeting!

I did not participated in it, but observed it, quite interesting! But till now I still cannot figure out its rule :-??


游戏名字叫blind date。我到现在都搞不清规则是什么,只见让大家都排排坐在长条桌子的两边,一对一的开始谈话,过一小会儿主持人就让其中一排的人挪个位置,然后新产生的pair就又开始热烈的交谈...太吵了我都听不清在谈什么,反正大家都兴高采烈的,呵呵

(Continued on Feb 22, 2009)

Then I did participated in the game! It is really interesting, you got to meet and chat with everyone in your opposite seat. After 15 minutes of intense talk (everyone was talking so loud and fast that I had to shout so that my companion could hear me), and I was almost very tired, but excited.

Besides, I won a little present in the game, may luck accompanies with me, and us!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Still a few random pics here

Dear all, I'm really too busy to put some good stuff here, and many times I cannot find a good mood to do so...

Anyway, I'm a bit guilty about not providing anything for more than half a month. So here is some random pics that I took on Feb 7, 2009.

I'm now leaving for Mississippi for a meeting. Please wait for further news!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

College Station, just arrived!

我亲爱的各位朋友们,我已经在得克萨斯州的College Station了。尽管目前尚未完全安顿下来,我已经初步适应了全新的环境,时差也倒得差不多了。这里真的是一个不错的地方,真的很符合我的预期:-)
All my dear friends, I have been in College Station right now. Though I have not been settled down yet, I have partially made the adjustment to the completely new environment and getting to like it. Yes indeed it is a fairly good place, not down to my expectation!

Here are a few random photos I have taken during my first days in United States, for my friends in China.

I arrived at Houston airport on Jan 28 in the noon. I'm in thick clothes but the local temperature is around 20 Celsius. We were there waiting for Joshua to pick us up.

On the way back to college station, Joshua stopped to refuel his Accord.

This is the street view in front of Joshua's apartment. A very clear, cool, and common morning in Jan 31.

A truck was passing by. Be the new comer, I'm a bit surprised to see the abundance of trucks owned by the natives.

It was Saturday morning, so few cars were on the road. Lots of parked cars can be found in front of each apartment.

Bryan是college station旁边的一个小镇,由于college station的不断扩张(因为是大学城),所以现在两个城市几乎连起来了。但具Joshua讲这里犯罪率比较高,而college station更安全。
We went to Bryan that morning. It is a smaller town adjacent to College Station. Following are some street views there.

我以后会把college station的照片放上来给朋友们看。这真是一个不错的地方。用Joshua的话讲,非常适于养儿育女。
I will bring up some photos in College station. Please wait!

Hope everybody is fine! I miss you all!