Friday, February 20, 2009

Blind date in Mississippi!

We are having a blind date game during the first night of MCBIOS meeting!

I did not participated in it, but observed it, quite interesting! But till now I still cannot figure out its rule :-??


游戏名字叫blind date。我到现在都搞不清规则是什么,只见让大家都排排坐在长条桌子的两边,一对一的开始谈话,过一小会儿主持人就让其中一排的人挪个位置,然后新产生的pair就又开始热烈的交谈...太吵了我都听不清在谈什么,反正大家都兴高采烈的,呵呵

(Continued on Feb 22, 2009)

Then I did participated in the game! It is really interesting, you got to meet and chat with everyone in your opposite seat. After 15 minutes of intense talk (everyone was talking so loud and fast that I had to shout so that my companion could hear me), and I was almost very tired, but excited.

Besides, I won a little present in the game, may luck accompanies with me, and us!


adug(杜舟) said...


Anonymous said...
