Saturday, October 24, 2009

Westerners and Beijing migrant schools






Like any other big and modern cities, Beijing has a lot of gray figures behind its prosperity: they are construction workers, janitors, service persons, ... Majority of them come from rural areas all over the country and they do labor-intensive jobs to make a modest living, and make the city runs happily. Perhaps unlike other cities on the same level, Beijing has migrant schools, where a classroom is provided for children of those workers at day time. The schools are operating on a condition that's similar as I used to be studying 20 years ago -- impoverished, and so are the children staying there. Perhaps one block away children from the ordinary family could already have their own laptops and mobile phones -- a contrast that's astonishing. I'm not sure but perhaps the fees prevent those children from attending an elementary school -- it could be astronomical for migrant workers.

Citizens are usually too busy to pay any attention to these schools. Now some westerners are bringing toys to those children and concerning on their existence. I want to say THANK YOU to these nice people. I also think that the persons who build and operate these schools are real great, too.

Thursday, October 22, 2009



我说:我已经知道了 真不容易 有10个月了 跟生孩子似的

想想我1月初将要离开北京的时候他正在打稿,聊天的时候我答应帮他看。几经波折,终成正果。这通常意味着可以博士毕业了... 我跟他第一句话是:我这个职位要空出来了你赶紧拿了学位过来吧... lidaof痛苦道:老板不放我走啊


Got the news that one of my friend has just got a paper accepted. This took him 10 months and finally he is eligible for Ph.D. degree with the publication... Thinking about what I have done in the same period, I felt really bad for a moment because I did nothing...

But I will keep up working. All my friends are watching and I won't disappoint them.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tuzki for “兔斯基” for "TUZKI"


TUZKI is the name of little rabbit created by Momo Wang, which enjoys astonishing popularity in Chinese Internet community. The author is an artist and works as a professional illustrator in Hong Kong. I'm so impressed by her ability to express herself freely via painting...

Monday, October 12, 2009

我们的好总理 Our Premier


Here I try to make a description in English....

This is from, publishing a hand-written letter from our Premier Wen Jiabao to Xinhua News Agency. In his letter he pointed out a minor mistake in one of his article discussing his personal view of teachers' role in education. The mistake is so minor (and technical) that only geologists will recognize it. I admire his action of openly admitting his personal mistake as Premier, as this should set good example for all the Chinese officials!