Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Faculty 1000 Biology 带来了两则有关现代人健康的坏消息! 张贴在这里, 来警告路过的小朋友们:

有证据表明食用柚子增加乳腺癌发病率, 大概是这么回事儿:

柚子这东西能抑止细胞色素CYP3A4这个酶, 因而持续的食用柚子会导致雌激素水平的上升. 雌激素水平与妇女乳腺癌的正相关已是不争事实, 那么这是否能得到"柚子诱导乳腺癌发病" 这个结论呢...

[ 原文 ]
Grapefruit intake and risk of breast cancer
... grapefruit is a well known cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) inhibitor. As a result, regular consumption of grapefruit can increase circulating concentrations of estrogens, which are otherwise metabolized by CYP3A4. As higher systemic levels of estrogens are associated with a higher risk for breast cancer, the plausibility of this increase in breast cancer by grapefruit consumption is acceptable...

另外一个发现让我对手机等产生电磁波辐射的东西更加惧怕, 这个研究 (竟被F1000评为fascinating paper!!) 清楚的证明, 手机辐射能迅速导致HeLa细胞膜上的NADH氧化酶释放出氧活性物质(ROS)

[ 原文 ]
Mobile phones affecting protein expression
This fascinating paper clearly demonstrates for the first time that microwaves emitted at the frequency and energy levels of mobile phones rapidly activate HeLa cell membrane NADH oxidase to release reactive oxygen species (ROS).

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