Thursday, January 15, 2009


Some of the past photos in my graduate years, from fall 2004 to winter 2008.

当时第一学期我的桌子就是这模样的。当时Ms. Eve正在我右手边忙活,闪光灯让她很惊讶!这可能是我第一次用数码相机。
I entered Dr. Zhen Su's lab on September 2004, and here's what my desk looked like by that time. Ms. Eve who was busy working beside me was surprised by the flash light, and gave me some comments I forgot.
This was literally my first time using a digital point-and-shoot.

哈佛大学的刘小/晓乐博士于2005年夏来访,很兴奋的与她在实验室内合影。当时尽管我懂得很少,但还是明白Dr. Liu是个牛人。最左边的就是小江同学啦,我一直这么称呼他,呵呵。
Dr. Shirley Liu at Harvard University paid a visit to our lab on summer of 2005, and it's my honor to have a photo with her, as I already knew she was a great scientist.

In summer 2005, I visited Shilin (the stone forest) in Kunming on a national conference for plant genomes. Tourists there seemed to be more abundant than stone...but luckily, we were able to find a corner to have a nice pic.

All of our lab went to Da Jue Temple to enjoy its beauty (July 2005). It's in north part of Haidian district, just a few km from CAU campus. Great place to visit!
当大家都玩够了,坐下讨论serious stuff的时候,我和yyliu悄悄走开,一起去寻找古寺中尚未被发现的僻静角落。
While everyone's talking about serious business, Yunyan and I went to a quiet corner in search for more beauty there.

2006年4月28日,张子丁老师招待了我们几个人大吃一顿!当时我们还给张老师买了束鲜花来着,记性不错吧:-) 我让服务员给我们拍照留念。
On April 28, 2006, we had a pleasant lunch together with Dr. Ziding Zhang, who recently joined China Agricultural University as a new faculty.

I together with my ex-girlfriend went to Hongluo Temple, around Labor's Day, 2006. Not at all a good place to visit :-(

This could be a ``farewell to yyliu & welcome for lidaof'' lunch? Obviously we were not so focused on the dishes. (summer 2006)

I was on a leave for CapitalBio Inc. on July 2006, and I met my buddy Zhao Yang there, who was struggling like me in National Institute of Biological Sciences (NIBS).

我们这些搞bioinformatics的就这样子... 于2006十月,实验室的老成员们。
How we bioinformatics guys looked like: (October 2006)

The year 2007 was so peaceful that I only had one photo... in December:

Beginning of 2008 was so bad! Look we had a terrible sand storm on a March day. I remembered on that day Chinese government held a face-to-face meeting with world-wide journalists and media.

Luckily, the weather quickly turned fine. Yu took a walk on campus on a beautify morning (Apr 29, 2008), and took those equally-nice photos...
Of course, I was in the lab that time, the ``golden morning'', busy with my stuff.

We celebrated Di Chao's birthday on May 1, 2008, right in lab. But the cake was terrible...

On June 2008, cliu was the first student to graduate from this lab. We all feel so happy to be with him!

We ate hotpot (do westerners know what is that??) on July 20, 2008, on demand of adug to ``celebrate'' acceptance of my manuscript...

The thing I would like to do most for recreation is walking in hills and forests, so even in rainy days (July 31, 2008).

And finally I graduated, happily :-D

1 comment:

喝粥的大葱 said...
