Friday, May 15, 2009

Ubuntu install from USB stick and what

Well, I just made a successful install of Ubuntu from USB stick, not a live CD.

This turns out to be very simple: you just download a Ubuntu install CD image onto a Ubuntu machine, insert a working USB stick (make sure there's no important data), and use the ``USB startup Disk Creator'' to do the thing. It is crucial for the version of system you're running and the CD image to be the same (version 9.04 was tested to be working).

After this, plug the stick onto a PC which can boot from USB device and install the system. I got a Dell studio computer and the installation worked fine.


I went to the library this afternoon, where I saw a kind of ceremony for the graduating cadets (the students going to be officers in military). I joined with their families to watch them.


Texas A&M有四千军校生,所以校园里经常能看到最后一张照片里打扮的学生。我在research park跑步的时候还遇见过全副武装的学员背着制式步枪在拉练,有点像在媒体上见到的驻扎在海外的美军士兵。这个学校还有个Memorial student center,那里的草坪是禁止踩踏的(在美国很少见),草坪上的一块小石碑告诉了你原因:这里是专门用来纪念从这个学校毕业的、为美利坚合众国捐躯的军校生。

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